Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The waiting begins.....

Ok, it's been 2 days. Of course I know nothing, but this is the time in the proceedure when I start to obsess about every little thing. Am I feeling nauseous? (nope) Is my skin glowing? (nope), but I continue to check.

This is when I am keeping super close track of those tempertures hoping for the highest possible (so far so good) if they stay high we're good to go, when they drop I know things didn't work.

I try to stay busy to keep my mind off things. That isn't hard working and going to school full time. I just really wish someone would invent a pregnancy test that you could take like 2 days after these kids of preceedures and see if it worked, something that would say - yep that sperm found the egg, rather than spend the next two weeks wringing my hands avoiding sushi, caffiene, and microwaves "just in case".


Anonymous said...

Try drinking Pregnancy Tea, my midwives recommended it after my 1st miscarriage to get the uterus juices ready for another occupant! You can get it at whole foods. Just one more piece of unsolicited advice that I'm sure you're wanting! Sending you all my best fertility vibes!

Becky and Mike Mooers said...

Pregnancy tea? There is pregnancy tea?? Why did I not know this?
I'm going to Whole foods right now!

Anonymous said...

Some things I learned during my pregnancies:
It takes about 14days after fertilization for the embryo to implant and start the hormonal cascade that tells the body and the little EPT dipstick that you are pregnant. Up until that point, there is little risk that what you intake (drink, eat etc) will impact the developing embryo, since it is just free floating in there. So don't go too crazy sufferring the strictures of pregnancy, yet... Here's hoping though...

Anonymous said...

Some things I learned during my pregnancies:
It takes about 14days after fertilization for the embryo to implant and start the hormonal cascade that tells the body and the little EPT dipstick that you are pregnant. Up until that point, there is little risk that what you intake (drink, eat etc) will impact the developing embryo, since it is just free floating in there. So don't go too crazy sufferring the strictures of pregnancy, yet... Here's hoping though...

Becky and Mike Mooers said...

Oh thank goodness, I was feeling so guilty about that Diet Coke I had today! I did go to the store and buy caffiene free, after my guilt trip.