Sunday, June 22, 2008

Crazy Dreams

I sit here looking for every sign of pregnancy possible, even though I have a confirmed blood test, I still worry. I have a teensy bit of nausea, fatigue and some CRAZY dreams! That's about it right now.
I have to describe the dream I had last night - especially for Mykaela. The rest of this post will not be interesting to anyone except Mykaela but I'm going to write it anyway.
I dreamed that I had gone to see WICKED in a small theatre here in San Jose. I happened to know someone working backstage and they asked me to help be a "dresser" for the night and they put me on "Elphaba!" (The Wicked Witch for those of you not up on your WICKED references) The girl playing Elphaba was Eden Espinoza and I was star struck to say the least!
She was so nice to me in my dream!! Then after I had her dressed I got to go back into the audience, but before I went they handed me a script and said "Learn the voice of God before intermission." (There is no voice of God in the real WICKED but in my dream I was God!). I was so excited to have a part I immediatly started memorizing my lines when a big teenager in front of me stole my script!
I was so angry I yanked it out of his notebook and left my seat.
I went backsatge to memorize my lines and did a great performance as the voice of God, then I got to hang out with Elphaba and Glinda after the show and we took lots of pictures and I got lots of autographs for Mykaela.
Now isn't that just the craziest??


Anonymous said...

I had crazy dreams throughout my pregnancy and with Sebastien had zero typical pregnancy symptoms which worried me so much after losing my 1st pregnancy and at least having sore breasts (sorry male readers) but then at 9 weeks saw the little peanut's heart beating and I knew he was in the game to stay!

Becky and Mike Mooers said...

Oh that makes me feel so much better!! All I have is crazy dreams, a sore boob every now and then and a very strong aversion to meat. Other than that - nothing. It makes me feel better that you didn't have much either. We are 5 weeks today and go for an ultrasound at 6 weeks. I'm hanging on to hear that heartbeat because then I know the risk of losing it goes was down. Thanks for your reassurance Kathy!