Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Finally Over

Well, last night was the night that this all finally ended. The cramps were bad - but not as bad as last time, or maybe now I know what to expect. Last time it hurt so bad it made me cry in pain, this time was just a few heavy cramping moments for about 3 hours and then it was all over.
Now we can start fresh. I was glad it happened naturally with no drugs, it means my body "expelled" everything naturally and is doing a good job of getting back to normal. Now I have to wait one cycle and we can begin again. Probably around the beginning of September.
I had mixed feelings during the whole process sad that it was ending, that last bit of hope that perhaps the doctors had made a mistake and it would all turn out OK (I knew deep down that wouldn't happen, but I was still wishing it would), and I was happy at the same time because I knew I needed to finish this process before we could begin again.
I am glad that this is my last month of school and I have a break the whole month of August to myself before things start up again. I am looking forward to some healing and time spent working on me.
I hope everyone is having a good week!


Anonymous said...

As sad and painful (mentally) as it was when I miscarried, it did prepare me for labor. When the time came it felt similar and so I knew what was happening and by then I knew how to manage the sensations of labor. I didn't panic, I was just able to enjoy bringing my baby into the world but had I not miscarried I think I would have felt completely out of control.

Becky and Mike Mooers said...

I totally agree - I wish someone had told me in my first miscarriage that this is what labor felt like, I wasn't prepared at all for the contractions and it really scared me. This time it seemed much easier becasue I knew what to expect. I have a feeling this will prepare me for labor too, knowing that if you just breathe through it, it will be over soon enough.