Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Since Erik was really little he has liked numbers and letters. It's not something we've emphasized, but we tend to buy "educational" toys that have letters and numbers on them.  He has taught himself these letters, and now he is working on the sounds the letters make....because he likes it.  Of course we think it's adorable, but I promise we are not quizzing him.  He quizzes himself all day and LOVES it!
I wonder if the energy focused on his letters, is draining the ability of his legs to walk.  He's still not walking.  I know, I've talked to the Dr....she thinks he's just slow and will be fine.  We'll see - maybe the swim lessons will help, or gymboree, or me playing stand up games for 3 hours every night until he's crawling in the other direction because he just doesn't want me to stand him up anymore.

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