Sunday, March 6, 2011

19 Months

Erik turned 19 months old today.  He still doesn't walk.  I'm beginning to get a complex about it.  Other parents always ask me how old he is and because he isn't walking I'm sometimes tempted to say he's younger than he is because I don't want to deal with all the "why isn't he walking?" questions.
He has to walk soon right?
He is excelling in every other aspect of his development.  He talks in sentences, he memorizes letter sounds (B says Buh is his favorite), he dumps, he fills, he throws toddler tantrums...he does not walk.  I will put my faith in his Doctor who is not worried at all......I hope he walks before he's 2.

Erik is entering into full blown toddler drama.  Yesterday I thought he had a fever and couldn't find the temporal thermometer so had to go in the bottom.  He was so unhappy at this that he screamed and then held his breath!!  Held his breath! He's never done that before, and he held his breath for so long that he popped a bunch of blood vessels on both sides of his face!  Seriously, this kid could be a handful.  I guess if he tries it when he's a teenager I'll remind him if what happens to his face when he gets angry and maybe he won't get so upset.

But beyond the tantrums, and uncanny ability to wake up at exactly 6:15am EVERYDAY no matter what time we put him to bed, he is the joy of our lives.

I've been doing everything I can think of to help build the muscles in Erik's legs.  Yoga ball, Gymboree and our newest endeavor.....Swimming Lessons! Erik loves them, he cries when he leave.  Here's a little video of his second class.  Please ignore the big lady in the purple suit.  Because I was in the pool my only option for video was my mother, the lady who does not have e-mail and needs to write down the directions for her TV remote, so please bear with the shaky, blurry and pictures of the floor that happen when my mother is in charge of the video.

He also LOVES to be surprised.......especially by things that pop up.

I hope that next month at this time I can report that Erik is walking....or even pulling up would be great!

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