Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Barbershop and my baby!

If you know me then you know that Barbershop music holds a place in my heart like nothing else.  I have spent years singing with the Sweet Adelines, and it is what I miss the very most right now in my life.  I can't tell you how much it warms my heart to see the reaction that Erik has to Barbershop music.
There is a children's show called Jack's Big Music Show that Erik adores, I love their mission statement (did you know children's shows have mission statements?), which is one of two reasons I allow him to watch it.  The mission of Jack’s Big Music Show is to expose and foster an appreciation of music. Music and musical instruments help children expand their universe and develop memory, language, literacy, and reasoning skills as well as the cognitive, social, and motor skills that are needed to excel in school......and it really does do all those things!
The second reason is the Schwartzman Quartet which appears in almost every episode and sings a barbershop song.  Erik lives for this quartet....today he started singing along! (Well, he tried to sing the "bum bums") but this child is riveted by this quartet!
  I grabbed the video recorder and caught some of it.  Oh please let this child continue his love for those beautiful barbershop harmonies and god bless Jack and his music show for exposing young children to barbershop music! 

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