Thursday, July 30, 2009

Baby Update

Well, not what I was hoping for that's for sure. I went in for my appointment today (with all intentions of BEGGING the Dr. to do something to get this kid OUT!) she told me she would strip my membranes and that would help things along so as she was heading in that direction she couldn't feel the baby's head. She dragged in the ultrasound machine and wouldn't you know he's turned and is breech again!!! What a wiggle worm!! She then said it was too dangerous to break the membranes because the cord could prolapse since he's not head down.
So....we had to set a date for a C section --- earliest available August 10th!! 11 more days of this....I may go insane.
I have one more Dr. appointment on the 6th and we'll see if he's flipped back around by then and if so we will change the C section to an induction.
I'm not complaining - but I'm so over this pregnancy. I want to sleep in my bed with my husband again, I'm tired of sleeping in a chair!! Oh - and I'm DYING to meet this little man - who, by the time he shows up, will weigh 15 pounds and come out talking.

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