I went to the Dr. today for my 38 week check up. I think I've mentioned before how my Dr. is about 12 years old (if she's lucky) and I think just a resident - but hey we all have to learn so I kept her. Today she rolls in the big ultrasound machine to see if Erik is still breech. Along with that machine came the most refined, well-mannered, well-spoken woman Dr. I have ever met - Of course I immediately wanted to change - but she was just helping Doogie (that's what I call her) work the machine. She even asked me (Doogie asked) "Can I practice for a while on you?" I'm thinking- practice what?? She needed to practice her ultrasound technique - whatever, all looks like a bad TV channel that won't come in to me.
So - nice grown up Dr. says "Let's check your cervix while you're here", Doogie didn't think of that! And as she's down in my business she casually says...."So, how are your contractions?" I responded with "what contractions?" and she says "You're 3.5 cm dilated so you're definitely contracting."
I had felt NOTHING - if this is going to be labor then bring it on!!!
She said since I had tested positive for the strep B thingie I needed to have 6 hours of IV meds before I get anywhere near giving birth. This whole time I'm thinking "yeah yeah, hey lady I have a term paper to turn in that took me a week to write"!
She tells me to go to the hospital to labor and delivery since I am at 3. I stopped her and said, "I have no pain and I HAVE to get this paper in tonight" (I know priorities!), and she said OK but to come back with any pain.
On my way to turn in the paper she called me and said, "actually I want you to come back so we can make sure you're not in active labor."
I turned in my paper - and headed back where I was monitered for all of 20 minutes when the OBGYN on duty said "You could be at 3.5 for days, and you're only 50% effaced." So go home and rest, come back if it's painful.
So...there you have it. Could be tonight, could be next week, could be whenever!! I just don't know. Ideally he'll hang out until at least Monday and then I can be done with my dreaded Astronomy class and over with school for the summer! YAY!