This baby is so funny. We thought it odd when we brought him home from the hospital and his little newborn cries sounded like talking. We thought he'd get over it and they would turn into full fledged cries. Nope - when he cries it sounds like Ay Ya Ay Ya mixed with Na na Na Na with a couple little sobs mixed in. It's very interesting! We are sure his first word is definitely going to be Nana. He's a very vocal little boy, when we put him on the floor he chats with the toys and Danny the cat.
Danny adores Erik (as you can see in this picture).
And where ever Erik is, there is Danny. Erik chats with Danny more than he will engage with anyone else. He has long conversations with him!
Today we went to a Sweet Adeline show that my chorus is putting on before they go to competition in Nashville next week and he had such a fun time cooing and laughing at all the ladies. He was ALL smiles for them! But for Mom - Nada!
Tonight I coaxed some smiles out of him while I was filming him. If you can handle listening to me make an idiot of myself for five minutes to get him to smile you can see it here. The beginning of the video he is crying and you can hear the Ay Ya and Na Na if you listen carefully!
He's a hoot this little man!
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