Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I met today with the psychiatrist.  I didn't realize that the paperwork before the appointment would be SO involved and SO detailed.  They needed to know everything about me, including the religion I was brought up in. I don't know why that would have any bearing on my surgery but OK.
The psychiatrist was a lovely man, who I felt from the second he opened the door was very "Mormon Bishop like".  Once I got into the office and saw the BA and MA on his walls from BYU and The University of Utah I knew I was in for an interesting conversation.  (Spoiler alert: Current active LDS could be offended by my story, please note this is MY issue and no offense is intended)
He took a moment to read through my paperwork, and paused at the "Recovering LDS" that I had written in the "religion" space.  He took a long pause as if trying to figure out how to approach me and why I had written that. 
He also saw that I had gone to Ricks (Now BYU Idaho) and for some odd reason spent 18 months in Guatemala and he fiured things out pretty quickly.  One box said "Have you ever had a panic attack" I checked the "maybe" box.  He described the symptoms and then asked me if I'd like to change my answer to yes or no.  I changed it to yes and he said "I don't need any details but where were you when you had one?" I told him I'd had 2 in my life.  One in the MTC (Missionary Training Center) and one in the temple.  Both of them were dismissed by MTC and Temple health workers as "lack of food"...which really is ironic don't you think?  I may have a lot of things, lack of food is typically not one of them."  Hmmm........perhaps it was a sign of things to come for me.
Anyway, he was lovely and passed me onto the surgeon with no red flags (Whew! I'm not TOO crazy), then it was on downstairs to Doogie Houser MD.
The surgeon (head of the department no less) is about 14.  I don't think he's old enough to grow facial hair, I just have to believe he's so young he's up on all the good stuff!
He did a quick exam and said I only have 10 more pounds to lose and then I'm cleared for surgery....woo hoo!!!  Then he talked me out of the lap band and into the gastric sleeve.

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So, I have another appointment mid-October and then we set a surgery date!  Woo Hoo!!!

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