Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The tantrum Two's!

Wow, Erik had an epic tantrum tonight. It lasted for one hour. I have no idea what even brought it on, one minute he was fine, the next his head was spinning in circles and I would not have been surprised to see horns sprout from his head.
Talk about wailing and gnashing of teeth, it was all I could do to keep my extremities out of the way of his mouth.
I can certainly see how parents would fall into the bedtime trap of allowing children to do whatever they want just to make the screaming stop. I was about to strike any bargain he could come up with just to get him to stop screeching!
He finally flipped a switch and as quickly as the tantrum started, it ended. He was back to singing "Old Macdonald" with his choice of "a wall" or a "door" as things on his farm, and adding "sartruse" (chartruse) and "cacamarine" (aquamarine) to his list of favorite colors.......crazy kid!
On the diet front I've had to go for many tests, the most recent being one for sleep apnea. I stop breathing 18 times an hour, that's 126 chances a night that I could have a heart attack or stroke. YIKES!
The Dr. gave me a C-Flex machine. It's horrible. Not as horrible as dying, but horrible to sleep with and be comfortable. I'm really struggling to use it all night. I haven't made it a whole night yet. It's really hard to get used to. And so super unsexy. Here's Mike modeling it for you. Don't you think it brings out his lovely blue eyes?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone on a teeny tiny keyboard.


Sara said...

You poor thing--in so many ways! Hang in there!

Linda Lou said...

My husband has to wear the same thing! He was diagnosed with sleep apnea a few years ago. It took him a while to adjust and learn to breath with the darn thing but it changed our lives! He sleeps soooo much better -- which means he feels better -- and I don't have to wake him up in the night because he has stopped breathing!! (which leads me to think he may be dead!!)