Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Are you kidding me?

This week at Safeway I ran into an alumni parent that I hadn't seen in a while but who is a reader of my blog and she was mentioning her support of my weight loss endeavors and how appalling some people can act. It was fun to chat with her and as I was leaving the aisle ( which had gotten very crowded ) I had to squeeze by several other carts and as another woman was trying to come down the aisle I motioned that I was coming out and said, "one second and I'll be out", her response......."great, and thanks for leaving some food for the rest of us!"
I had to stop and replay what she said in my head...... Did she just? YES SHE DID!!!!
I of course found my friend and told her what happened..... We stalked the aisles together for a while looking for her, but what was I going to say if we found her?
My friend suggested I need a good come back when this happens (since it seems to happen often!)
What would you say? Help me think of something clever, and stinging all at the same time! Come on people, help a fat girl out!
Until I hear from you the perfect line I will retreat to my happy place.


Sara said...

Yeah, that is totally outrageous. I can think of lots of responses, but probably the kind of person who would say something like that is not worth any response. You know? I'm so sorry you had that experience.

Alice said...

Wow, so sorry... People are just rude sometimes! I think, had I been in your shoes I'd have just said something in French like, "Espece d'imbecile!" which means, "You're very stupid!". That should shut her up :D