Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Circle Time Silliness

     I've been teaching preschool for 20 years now and many people over the years, after hearing my daily stories have told me I should write a book.  While this blog has been mainly about Erik ...well, he is the cutest boy in the world.... it is supposed to be about our "crazy lives"....and the things that make it crazy are our jobs. Want to know what craziness happened in Mike's job life?  His SUPER brainy wife, who redid his resume for him a few weeks ago put the WRONG (never a good word to use in combination with resume) phone number on it.  So, people can't get a hold of him!!  He's been sending it out for weeks!!! He has applied for over 100 jobs, with the wrong number on his resume. UGH...seriously I need a big kick in the head for that one!
    My job on the other hand is as crazy (the children) as it usually is, I adore my job, it makes me laugh on a daily basis.  I have decided that I will post stories from the depths of day care (no names of course), to share the crazy, zany things the children do and say. 
     This week there have been some gems!!
     Today at story time I was reading a story when one child sneezed all over the side of the face and shoulder of another child.  The "victim" looked at the sneezer and said "Ewwww!!!" and then looked at me and said "Teeeeeecha!"......"She blessyou'd on me!".
     It took me a few seconds to understand what she said....and then I just cracked up!
     This is after I spent the morning telling one child put his penis back in his pants several times, I finally asked him "Why do I still see your penis peeking out?" (Do you ever say things like that in YOUR job?)
      His response......"I'm cooling him off, he told me he was hot"

     In these Chronicles of child care I will also post a "Preschool Rules", which is something I have heard a child quote (yell) to another child during the week.
     This week's lesson :  "It's not OK to pick your butt at circle time, if you pick your butt at circle time you have to wash your hands right away."

Ahhh.....the craziness that is our lives...WELCOME!


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