Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A little shrimp

Our ultrasound yesterday went great!! As you can see we are the very proud parents of what appears to be a quickly growing shrimp. The baby measured 9 weeks and 2 days even though we were only 8 weeks and 6 days - so it's growing nicely! it had a heart beat of 140 bpm and the Dr. was very pleased with it's growth and said everything looked absolutely perfect!! I stay at this fertility clinic until the
20th when I have my last ultrasound there and then we get to "graduate" to the regular Ob/Gyn clinic and I have another ultrasound on the 30th.
Remember 2 pregnancies ago when I bought that "itelligender" thing that's supposed to tell the gender from pee in a cup? Well, I can take it next week so I'll keep you all posted!
We appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts keep them coming, they're working!!