Friday, May 6, 2011

21 Months

Erik turned 21 months old today. I took this picture of him this afternoon in the sandbox, just before he ate a handful of sand and pronounced it "Yum" to my quick, "we don't eat sand".
I know what you're thinking, believe me I'm thinking it too. He's not walking yet.  He IS pulling up to a standing position so that's HUGE!! He doesn't do it very often, but he does it!

I read once that children at this age learn 5 words a day. I find that to be very true with Erik, today I said to no one in particular, "I wonder where Nana is"....Erik spotted her and said "There she is!!" It's crazy this exploding language.

His independence is exploding as well as he chooses to eat, or more often not eat. If he had his way he'd live on nothing but apple juice and ketchup.  He learned about ketchup a couple weeks ago and now he surveys his food (even breakfast) and then looks up with his big blue eyes and says kiss - up? (Ketchup!).  That independence also rears it's head at bedtime, when he protests that it's not time for bed, but he doesn't cry more than a couple minutes before we hear him talking himself to sleep.

His MeMe and Papa sent him this itty bitty pool that he LOVES.....I think it may hold an inch of water, he loves it.  Here's a little video of him moving those legs like crazy.  He possesses the ability to walk...........he just isn't in the mood yet!

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