Sunday, January 31, 2010


Hmmmm.....Blogger has changed these on me and I haven't quite got the hang of this new format so here's the video that I speak of in the previous post - just click on this link.

Green Chair

Becky and Mike's Crazy Life!: The cat ate it.

Becky and Mike's Crazy Life!: The cat ate it.

The cat ate it.

As I was getting Erik's dinner ready for him tonight and left him alone in the living room for all of 30 seconds to heat it up, he fell asleep. That kid can go from asleep to awake and vice versa with no warning at all.  I set it down on the coffee table and proceeded to do some homework while he slept.  When he woke up, 20 minutes later....what you thought I would have a baby who would sleep?  No sir!  We power nap around here (please God let him sleep for more than 20 minutes I say each time I lay him down, usually doesn't work - unless we're in the car where he can happily sleep the day away!), I put him in his little bouncer reached to get the food and it was gone!  The bowl was still there - but the food inside was gone.  It was squash so it was bright yellow, and not easily missed.  I looked around, nothing had spilled - I couldn't figure it out until Danny the cat walked by with Yellow whiskers, and yellow front paws...BUSTED!  Damn Cat!  He's lucky I allowed him to live, and from now on I will not leave Erik's food unattended. Here's a sweet little video of Erik sitting up in his weird, green bubble seat thing (the things they have for babies these days!).  His thighs were too big when I tried it a month ago - but they fit now, he must be growing longer.

Monday, January 25, 2010

It's all about the boobies!

My boobs rule my life, and I'm not even physically breastfeeding, I'm pumping, but geeez it's all freaking day!  I plan my life in 3 hour increments, can I get that done before I need to pump?  Can I run that errand?  Go to that meeting?  It never seems to work out and I end up pumping after two hours and then waiting six and I always, always have the exact same amout.  I could pump 7 times a day, or two and I would still get the same, with or without supplements, with or without water, with or without standing on my head. 
I think I'm getting very close to being over the whole breastfeeding thing.  I've done almost 6 months.  I could probably do 9 but I doubt I will make it much longer before going completely out of my mind.  But, I keep it up because it's so good for him.  Seriously it's like baby drugs - he'll tolorate a formula bottle (kind of like I tolorate a Diet Pepsi but my drug of choice is always a Diet Coke, it makes me much happier than a Pepsi ever will), but if you could see the smile on his face and the way his eyes roll back in his head when he realizes the bottle is boobie juice you would know why I keep going.  It gives him joy - and that's what being a mom is all about. Giving them joy.
I had my first Mom ER experience last night.  Erik has been pretty sick and was having some trouble breathing so we took him to the ER because he was screaming and we had to do something.  * On a littke side note, I've been singing to this kid since before he was born and as soon as he was born I would sing "You are My sunshine" to him, after I was out of my mind singing that over and over to him I added in "Sing, Sing a song" to the repotoire and I'm sure I'll add in more as time goes along.  As we were driving to the hospital last night the Sing song came on  (Kristin Chenowyth version - who else?) and I didn't realize until it was over that he was listening to it.  When the next song began he freaked out and started crying and Mike is yelling from the backseat, put the song on again, put it on repeat!  As soon as I did that Erik was great and went right to sleep.  Amazing, how much he really connects with certain songs, we were floored that at 5 months he knew that was his song. 
Back to the ER - of course we get there and he is CHARMING, laughing, smiling, cooing at the Dr. and I feel like an idiot because "I swear Doc he was sick when we got here".  I was vindicated though when the Doctor came to listen to him - he projectile vomited ALL over me, none on him, or anyone else - just me - covered in vomit and you know what?  I so didn't care.  If any other kid would have done that I would have been grossed out.  I had to sit in that vomit covered shirt for a couple more hours and I was happy to do it if Erik would feel better.  Thankfully he's doing much better today.  I know I've said it before but I will take all the lows of parenthood including the vomit and poop for sweet baby giggles and kisses any day. 
School has started once again (did I mention I have to pump every time I turn around?  Impossible with school!), and since this is my last semester I am now stuck with all the crap classses I have avoided this whole time.  That means biology (and the lab), and PE classes.  Why the PE?  Serisously?  Don't they know how humiliating it is for a fat girl to go to a PE class?  I hated it at 12 and it hasn't gotten any better at 40.  I have to take Yoga (also called "Gentle Restorative Excersise" - we'll see) and Stretch and Flex, which ironically is on the TV.  I have to show up for the Yoga class, Biology and it's lab are online, I get to do experiments with cabbage in my kitchen.....yippee.
Now, if I can figure out how to take yoga and not have my boobs leak during the downward dog I'll be OK.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tag....I don't want to be it anymore

It's been a crappy kind of week here in the Mooers / Maguire household.  Mike was laid off from his job on Saturday morning with no severance, no warning no nothing just a "we're going in another direction" speech.  We had JUST begun to climb out of the maternity leave hole of debt that we were in and now we are dumped back into the hole, this time titled "unemployment".  It sucks, I want to cry, but that really wouldn't help anything, besides Erik does that enough.
The sleeping arrangments are killing me, in fact right now Erik is crying in his crib and it's all I can do to sit here and listen to it.  It's like he knows we are up and he wants to be up and if not up then asleep in our arms only and no where else.  He used to like his crib - then he hit 5 months last week and WHAM suddenly his crib is a torture chamber and we're the meanies putting him in it. 
We had to get a cat "tent" for the crib because we have one very weird cat who is very attached to Mike and so she likes to be close to anything Mike is and that means the baby so she used to jump into the bed with the baby and would sleep at his feet.  This worried me but I couldn't keep her out despite water squirting , yelling nothing worked. So we ordered this tent thing from E-bay with lots of doubt.  It was a bitch to put together and I had my doubts that it would work, but that first night as I lay down to sleep I watched the cat jump from our bed heading into the crib. She hit that tent (which I expected to buckle immediatly under her weight) and bounced like a flying rubber band across the room.  I seriously laughed out loud out of shock.  She hasn't tried to get into the bed since, but I wonder now - is it scary for Erik?   Maybe it's too scary for him, or is he just smart because when I go and let him know that I am still here when he is crying he blows raspberries, smiles and kicks his feet as if to say.."Ha ha Mommy two points for me! Fooled Ya!"  I walk away he crys, I come back he laughs.  He falls asleep in my arms and I put him in the crib and he wakes up as soon as he hits the mattress, when I pick him back up he's out cold in my arms, lay him down, awake, pick him up asleep............tonight I tagged Mike and told him he was it, my turn was over.  That was an hour ago - Erik is now happily playing on the living floor with his toys while Mike is trying not to fall asllep in a chair and I know Erik is thinking "I SO have these two exactly where I want them".  Erik wins tonight, maybe parents will win tomorrow night. Oh Lord please let us win a couple times a week.
Here's a pic of the crazy cat keeper outer.