Wednesday, November 26, 2008


That title could mean many things at this moment in my life, tests in my classes, the tests of work with 30 preschoolers and the tests and life in general. But, in this posts its pregnancy tests.
Do you know how many there are? Tons! There's even a website called that compares them all....betcha didn't know that!
I used to pay 20.00 each for a pregnancy test and then I realised that the ones at the Dollar Store are just as good (in fact they are what the Doctors use) I'm sure the man at the Dollar Store in Gilroy wondered what the hell I was going to do with 20 pregnancy tests. That's why I went to him, girls are nosy and ask questions - boys are not. I knew he would ring me up without the third degree.
So now I have a bathroom drawer completely full of pregnancy tests and I take one every other day (hey - I'm limiting myself to every other day instead of every day), they've been coming up positive (but that's only the hormone's left over from the shots - but it makes me feel good to see that double line), but today they have started to come up negative. Dang!.......I have 6 more days until I'm officially supposed to "test". I'm so not good at waiting, for anything.

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