Friday, July 6, 2012


Life's been throwing us some curve balls lately, but we are determined to throw them back!
The good news is I've been doing mostly great at my diet, except I tried to eat a sandwich (ok really it was an Egg Mcmuffin minus the meat) the other day and it came back up before it had been down ten minutes. Not ready for bread yet!!! It's o hard to break those old habits. I want a Diet Coke so bad I'm dreaming about them, but I haven't had one. Rumor is it hurts REAL bad going down.
I'm down close to 25 pounds. I find myself comparing weights to life events.
" that's what I weighed the day I got pregnant"
" that's what I weighed the day I got married"......I'm waiting to say "now I weigh what my drivers license says I do!"
In other news Erik's been through evaluation after evaluation to give him a diagnosis beyond " low muscle tone". He's has assessments from the Regional Center, as well as the school district that are very clear that he has gross motor delays but nothing cognitive or social. Kaiser on the other hand is convinced that he's very high functioning, yet on the spectrum. I disagree- am I allowed to disagree with Dr's who are assessing him on a couple hours in a clinic, and he's excited and showing off? Or do I go on the assessments of the PT and OT who've been working with him or months?
I refuse to give him a label. So I'm not going to. I'm going to wipe up the tears I shed after that appointment today, put on my big girl panties and give him the support he needs to not only function but to thrive and excel in his life. He's the same little boy today that he was yesterday before any "expert" got his hands on him, so I will continue to treat him the same.
He's my sweet little boy who likes to help Daddy wash the car......we'll take it all, every hard, joyful, tearful day, because we are better for having Erik in our lives.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Doris Ave,San Jose,United States


Sara said...

A friend of mine finally got a "label" for her son when he was in second grade "high functioning autistic".

I'd say you have several years before you get the "right" label. Which might not be any label at all!!

Go with you gut--you have a lot of experience with kids Erik's age!!

Becky and Mike Mooers said...

Thank you Sara, exactly what I needed to hear!