Hello family and friends!
Welcome to our blog! We have decided it's time to let everyone in on what's happening in our life, hopefully the relief of letting it out and the support you bring to our lives will help us along this crazy journey, and maybe teach us a thing or two in the process.
This is going to be our outlet to vent, laugh, cry, make fun of, and try to make sense of our world. If we offend you, please know it is unintentional and we are only trying to work through our own emotions
Most of you know that I teach preschool and have for about the last 20 years, in those years I have potty trained, educated and disciplined hundreds of kids...none of my own. I'm still enjoying everyone elses children but Mike and I decided about 4 years ago to start trying to have a family. Wouldn't you know that really wasn't what life had planned for us. That seems to be a whole other path, the path of infertility.
You know you never notice things until it's something that you want and then it seems to be everywhere! I think pregnant woman* are following me, taunting me with their overgrown bellies and glowing skin. Even today at the gym, 50 treadmills open all around me - the hugely pregnant woman has to choose one right next to me. Really? Must I spend the next 30 minutes trying to finish my workout, and try not to look with jealousy at your belly as you daintily jog along to "A Baby Story" on your treadmill screen.
It's so hard to understand why getting pregnant seems to come to others as easy as growing hair - yet for us, we can't seem to grasp it.
So as we embark uponu the miracles of modern medicine to become parents, we are going to document the whole physical and emotional process here. I guess if we don't get a child, maybe we can get a book deal out of the whole thing. ;)
I have added a video option to the blog, but we have no posted video's yet. The one's there are just from YouTube, feel free to ignore them. You'll see if we post a video because we'll let you know! Feel free to comment right along with us. We'd love to hear from you!!
*note to pregnant readers - I don't hate you, I'm jealous of you - I am fully aware it is not you're fault that I am not pregnant and you are, however you may often hear me vent about the pregnancy's that torment me - please don't be offended, it's just me wanting what you have!